
let's never forget all God did this year!

We will be creating a video for our 1 year anniversary service on Sept. 23rd and would love to capture some of the stories of what God did at Alive this year - and we need your help! 

Would you take a selfie video answering these three questions?

  • How did you hear about Alive?

  • How did God move in your life through Alive?

  • What is a marked moment for you at Alive?


Some things to remember when you take this video:

  • Be normal. Be fun. Be YOU. Be casual & conversational.

  • Take video in a quiet place (try to get away from all background noise) - this will help with audio quality.

  • Take the video horizontally! (not vertically)

  • Keep the video 2 minutes or shorter!

Looking forward to celebrating all God did at Alive together! Please submit all videos by Sunday, Sept. 16th.